Friday, February 14, 2014

Singapore Air Show 2014

Happy Valentines Day! But that's not what I'm gonna write about due to my non-existent girlfriend. :(

Anyway, spent the day at the Sg Air Show at Changi Exhibition Centre on a free trade-pass.

Went at around 9+ and managed to catch the aerial display of the F-16s, F-18s and the Black Knights at aroung 1020. The show lasted for about 40 minutes. The opening act of a solo F-16 aircraft was really impressive, don't know how the pilot can tank so much G-force, but if you were to put yourself in their shoes for a few moments, you can really salute them. Respect!

The following act after the F-18 was the Black Knights. Their manoeuvres involved more synchronisation and cooperation.  Basically, they were making loads of patterns and formations together, and by together I mean literally few feet apart.

After the whole aerial display, can really feel that being a pilot is really damn cool and no wonder these people get tha chicks.

Went into the exhibition center next to check out whatever posters and miscellaneous that were on display. Saw a lot of familiar faces on the walls haha!

Chilled for an hour or so at the 'Visitor's Resting Corner', waiting for the Chinook fan-ride to start for me. While waiting, there was a live band playing and they were damn good. These people were dorned in US air force attire and oh were they putting up a show. Managed to get one of their CDs as well. You can actually check them out if you are interested, apparently they are the USAF Band of the Pacific-Hawaii (Yah, it's kinda long lol).

Finally the finale! The Chinook Ride (The main reason I was even there in the first place)

Sat on one of these bad asses

After registrations, a bus brought us to an airfield and we put on 'life-jackets' and ear-plugs. When we approached the Chinook, the rotary blades were already spinning and as we closed  in you can literally feel the wind blowing and pushing you away till the point that you actually need to put in some effort to get closer. After boarding, the heli took off and showed all the passengers a pretty good view. The encik on board even opened the back end to give us more window to see things, he looks damn sian though haha! Ride was bumpy, but overall the experience was worth the trip, you don't always get chances in your life to sit in a helicopter.

Oh yeah, saw a couple of familiar faces that I haven't seen in a while. Hi :)