Saturday, August 30, 2014

Colour Run 2014 (30/8/2014)

I was asked if I could go for this event by my bro as he had extra tickets. Seeing that it looks fun and I'm feeling pretty adventurous, why not?

Asked JQ and JJ if they could come as well, even though it was last min. Unfortunately they weren't able to make it. :( Only bro DH & cousin YX were available.

The official starting time of the run was at 4pm. We started running at 5pm though. Mainly due to the large crowd swarming around the shuttle buses and monorails @ harbourfront. Not to mention the massive human-blockages en-route to the baggage drop off point area (we had to wait so long just to cross the road lol).

Start of the run:

Shirts are still clean!

The run was really enjoyable and the energy was really high. There were several points during the run where volunteers will throw some bio-degradable powder at you to make your shirt/body very colourful! People were all super friendly to each other as well which was kinda cool. I Hi-5ed so many random strangers. :P

You aren't really gonna run the whole thing as at certain points there are chokes of people who are walking quite slowly and you just gotta follow them. It was quite amusing though as everyone is picking up powder from the floor and randomly throwing it at each other. Just need to dodge those shots to the eyes @@.

End of the run:

So colourful!


There were also lots of things to do at the after-party. There was a main stage where everyone was busy raving. There are many other small booths as well, some of which includes doing small challenges (pushups, jumping jacks, etc) to win new balance apparels. Too bad the queue was long as hell though, otherwise we sure go and play.

There were also a couple of shops around, DH bought shampoos which we used after to clean-up. The shampoos actually had a pretty nice smell and I really liked the packaging of it, the brand was 'Original Source' and it was like 1 for 1 for $6.50. In fact, I'll probably be getting some of em' next time.

As for me, I was just being a cheapskate Singaporean and 'stealing' cans of 100plus from the refreshments corner. LOL ;x

After party - Main Stage (Skip to 1:04 for mass-colour throwing)

The whole event was really lively! Don't go and think that it's dirty or what, just try it! The first time will probably be the best, trust me.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hearthstone - Aug Update

 NEW UPDATE!! (27/8/14)


 Ruby Key (9 wins)

Cleared Heroic Naxxramus. Bosses were really a big pain in the ass, but it did feel satisfying to beat all of them to say the least. Some individual bosses took me hours and hours of retrying as well. >.<

Naxxramus (Heroic) Bosses

Earned myself this nifty card-back

I also finally managed to hit rank 9 before the season ends this month. Will probably bank in on this single digit rank till the next season comes. :D

Rank 9 - Silver Hand Knight

It did take awhile, especially with the high influx of fukin rush/draw hunters. Last burst was made mainly with my ramp druid and zoo lock.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Signing Up for Stan Chart Marathon 2014

Here begins the route to running a marathon. Hopefully I'll be trained enough by then to complete it without being DQ-ed. :x

All the best to me!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Movie (2014)

Still remember watching the cartoon version of this when I was really young. My favourite character was Donatello, no idea why as well. If I were to choose again, I'd totally go for Raphael. 

Anyway, people were saying that this movie was bad cause its made by Michael Bay, which was just gonna make it go BOOM BOOM BOOM, with no storyline at all. I think that's really stupid, I kinda liked it and some parts which were pretty humorous through the unique characters of the 4 turtles.

Action scenes were really well animated as well if you can keep up, ha! 

Movie was cool and quite nostalgic at the same time~ If your a fan of action movies, you can watch this, it'll be worth your while. :)

Still need to watch Guardians of the Galaxy though. Had my eye on it since the trailers were released and since now people say that its good, all the more reason to go watch it!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Happy 21st!!

So it's my 21st Bday today! Happens only once in everyone's life. A small celebration was held for me by my relatives on the 2nd this month. It was done in ah ma's house. Thanks a lot 姨 for buying all the food and the mango cake I requested! :D

The Food


The 'younger-generation' people HAHA

Though it's just a small celebration, I'm thankful that I even had one! Thanks for initiating it and offering to hold it for me @ ah ma's house which I go to every week. Big thanks for the ang baos that all the adults gave me as well! I really do appreciate it!  :)