Saturday, November 23, 2013

My 1st Clubbing Experience

So all through my life so far, I've almost always straight out rejected offers like that. Well its good to be out of your comfort zone for a change eh? I've been kinda curious as well and so I went.

It was about 11.30pm and I went to Zouk, lol. That day, it was JAM PACKED. It was so fucking crowded that if it wasn't for my friends that were coming to meet me, I would have just left.

Anyway, that's not really the main gist of it yet. I was so suaku that I queued at the wrong queue and only found out later when my friends arrived haha. The queue was quite long, and the line was almost non-existent. It was so fucking messy and so many retards were pushing around trying to squeeze in. Worse off, some fucking ang mohs/muds just blatantly cut the queue. Wtf? Srs? Lol. Ended up waiting in the line for about an hour or so before we got in. Btw, we had to desperately keep trying to squeeze ourselves forward to stop assholes from cutting. Zzz.

As for the people who were there, wow. It was really an eye opener for me. So many fucking Sg girls go dress up, and when I say dress up, I mean ALOT. Make up, night wear sexy sexy nice young things lol hahahahaha. As for the guys, all trying to wear cool looking clothing w/ styled hair all that. Wah, at that point of time I was like fk, this place is really the wrong place for me to be in. (Just jeans, polo, and natural unstyled hair bro, lol) But oh well, you gotta always try new things, or else you'd never know...

Finally we got in. Inside, it was really a fucking HORDE of people swarming around. it's so fucking crazy. It was so squeezy sia,  if you weren't close to your friend and lost sight of him, you confirm cannot find him one. Anyway a lot of people were jumping around, dancing all that.

My stereotypical mindsets about clubs were all true. Crazy ppl dancing, making out, drinking like hell, wah and I swear, even though people seemed to be enjoying themselves, I felt that the situation could just fucking turn bad at any second cause all of them seemed kinda rowdy to me. Oh yea, the girls were fucking, fucking crazy. I've never seen chicks so crazy before in my life lol. Holy shit, them in their fuckin skimpy clothing and freaking waving their whole body like how you'd see sluts do on TV, they were doing it. Holy shit wow, was kinda stunned for the moment.

Anyway, apparently DJ Nicky Romero (no idea who he is) was around that night and so everyone kept jumping and swinging their hands around. In that situation, I really didn't want to be a sore thumb and just stand there, emo like a retard. It would've made me feel stupid. So if you cant beat em, join em!

At the central area of the club, it got really freaking pushy. People kepy squeezing here, squeezing there, pushing here pushing there but w/e man. Fuck there was this stupid bitch that puked right behind me, lucky missed my shoe by a bit but man she fucking wasted. Her head kept swinging about and keep knocking on my back/shoulder. Shit. There was also this crazy ang moh that got blood all over the back of his head, but he was still smiling and dancing as he got pulled out by the bouncer (security officer). Seriously wtf? All these crazy people. Holy shit.

Oh ya, I dunno if it's bad for me to say this, but the amount of female my elbow felt was really ∞. If your real despo, want some sexy nice young things, but too scared to go and talk to people, this is really the place for you lol.

Anyway, I left at about 4+. Cabbed home after. Doubt I'd ever voluntarily go to a place like that again, but to be fair, it was really ok if you try to enjoy yourself, moving however the fuck you want lol. No one's really gonna give a shit.

Thanks to the ppl that brought me there too, without you guys I confirm end up like some pathetic lost puppy inside.

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