Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hi guys, a very late Happy New Year to ya'll. Hope everyone had a great time celebrating during the December holidays and hopefully people got drunk. xD

Anyway back to the agenda, so far these 7 days into the New Year, I've been kinda edgy, hum ji and nervous for reasons that I'm not really too sure of myself. Okay, granted that I've been sick for the past few days due to (guess what?) throat infection AGAIN. It may have been the effects of the medicine which messed up my mind during this period. Speaking of the medicine, I kena koto-ed $76 at some rabak clinic which I thought would've been cheaper by the looks of it. Apparently, the doctor prescribed me this thing called 'Klacid' which is in short I think for Clarithromycin. 1 pill cost me $7... WTF?! Anyway thats a seperate issue altogether so meh, at least I'm better.

Back to the issue at hand, I really need to pick up my game again and start thinking rationally and properly. I've said a few pretty stupid things which did not filter through my brain and acted in weird ways which even I wasn't very pleased with myself.

Hence, I thought that it will be good to at least acknowledge these flaws that are existent to me (wow it feels good typing out all my frustrations) and get my act together! I think to be calmer. cooler and steadier. Saying things that are not so kp, I dunno why but this habit is bad, I'll just piss ppl off. Really need the filter to be back again. My life would be so much more relaxing and the clarity of my mind will improve. This can help me to be more of an intellectual person in the context of how one communicates, behaves and work in society.

Paragraph before was more of a 'vent' and laying out of my feelings. I guess its some sort of confession, involving me admitting the imperfections that I have and work towards discovering better ways to handle myself so that I can be someone that I'm comfortable with. This really beats making a facade of yourself being in some tough and cool guy image.

Oh well, that's all. Hope that things will go well now. (Or I'll make it so...haha xD)

P.S. I'm off my meds now, which is nice, I can finally starting hitting the gym again.

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