Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014 Celebration

Merry Christmas! (Today) - 25/12/14

Though I stopped believing in Santa at about 12, it's still nice to have some form of gathering with your relatives that you have not seen for a while.

Had to visit both my mom's and dad's side every Christmas eve which can really prove to be quite a chore, but it's better to keep in closer contact with your relatives I guess.

(Yesterday) - 24/12/14

First was my mom's side, arrived at my aunt's house at around 6.30pm to get all the food ready, here it is:

The mini-spread



Food wasn't too much, but it definitely was enough for all of us. I ate a lot of ham, good thing that my mom kept some extra at home for me after :) but that's besides the point. 

It was about 8pm and had to head over to my dad's side for a BBQ Xmas gathering as well on the same day. My family headed over to visit. We don't really meet with our dad's side as often, unless there are special occasions hence there are times where I feel kinda distant from them which is really a pity, but still I was glad that I was able to be cheerful in the setting and huge thanks to those uncles and aunts at my dad's side that made us feel really welcomed!

Headed back to mom's side again for drinks. Initially chatted up again with the cuz's on my mom's side and managing some of the difficult ones is sooo tiring but you really gotta do it sometimes, good thing for my cousin JJ being a great entertainment center (at first), till he got drunk and emo! Haha.

Drinks! ~_~

The goal was to get people as drunk as possible but I really forgot that people become quite annoying under the influence of alcohol and it becomes such a chore to take care of/manage them. Should have just ignored their asses.

Then came the gift exchange, here's the small spread of gifts among the 'younger' generation people:


I guess generally everyone was rather o-k with their presents. Personally, I got a large photo frame which was from my bro. There were bolsters, face-wash, some fruit-mixer water bottle, chocolates, etc. My present was a personalised calender with pictures of the relatives on each month of the calender. Had to custom make it online and have it delivered to me. The delivery ($11) costs more than the gift($8) itself as I had to put it on priority delivery for fear that it would not arrive in time. ~_~ Good thing that the recipient liked it though!

Played a couple of 'party games' after, which included 'beer battle ships' and 'beer pong' till about 2am. People were getting tipsy and it got quite annoying to talk to some of them after they had a couple of drinks. I eventually had to go 'manage' people which was really quite chorish especially those stupid ones with stubborn and strong personalities. Oh well,  I really need to start ignoring those fuckers. =/

Headed over to a 24hour coffee shop stall for noodles and waited to catch the first bus back home. Slept soundly till about 2pm the next day (today) and went for a detox run to get rid of all the alcohol crap from my body. 

Overall, it was an o-k-ish christmas, feel that as I age I kinda lose some of the festive spirit in me. :(

Still, Merry Christmas everyone! Looking forward to the New Year (2015) ahead.

P.S. Oh yeah, heading over to Malacca tomorrow, so I'll get back to that when I return! :P

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