Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wildstar Beta Weekend

Just got an invitation to the Wildstar beta weekend event. This came as a surprise cause I kinda gave up hopes that I'll even get an invite, but I did!

Invitation came on Wednesday (23/4/14), now to see how the game is really like... 

The graphics were appealing for me and the way Carbine Studios presented the game was comical and humorous which was good. This made the game unique and unlike other MMOs who all try their hardest to make their games look epic from graphical arts and special effects.

Character Creation:

I made a Chua cause they are just so damn frickin' cute. I must say that the customisation options are really well done and there are styles that appeal to all kinds of tastes.

Starting Area

When I first got into the game, I was kinda taken aback by the default UI. The health and target bars are at the middle of the screen, which is useful of course, but not something that I'm really used to yet. Game play was smooth.

Wildstar felt very much like a WoW game thus far with a questing based leveling system, but I've heard that it's very different. I most probably have not played enough. ~_~


The combat system is very dynamic. Probably one of the things which differentiates the game from other MMOs. 

You can dodge, kite and even your attacks have cones which shows you exactly where it's gonna land. Actions MMOs that I know of usually don't have this feature, it's like they implemented skillshot mechanics from LoL and incorporated it into this game to add a higher element of skill to it. 

Not to mention, the whole leveling process will definitely feel less-grindy.

That's all I got so far, if I get the time to play more during the weekend, I'll see what new gameplay and content I can unravel. Cya! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mt. Kinabalu Climb

Climbing a mountain is definitely one of the things I've gotta do in my life.

Where else to start but somewhere close-by which houses one of the highest mountain (5th) in the whole of South East Asia : Mount Kinabalu.

Mount Kinabalu is located in the East Malaysian state of Sabah and stands at a height of 4,095m (13,435ft) above sea level.

Getting to Kota Kinabalu and doing this climb wasn't exactly very cheap either (~$1k SGD), contrary to popular belief that everything is half-priced in Malaysia. Nevertheless, it was worth it!

Trip was arranged for me by

People from this company are very professional. They are meticulous in the preparations for all their customers. They always hold conditioning and training sessions for their clients every fortnight at Bukit Timah Hill. 

On top of that, they organise briefings prior to your trip, informing you of all the necessary precautions, conditioning and admin matters that you have to attend to before letting you embark on your trip.

As long as the physical condition of your body is well maintained, all you gotta do is bring a whole load of heart and will power and you'll definitely make it to the top!

The Climb

Timpohon Gate

The starting point of the climb. Armed with a fully packed bag, camera, 2x 1.5litre bottles and a packed lunch.

Personally I'm not really into the idea of hiring porters as it will really make the whole experience meaningless. If your gonna scale the mountain, you do it with your own bare hands, not get 'carried' (pun intended) by others. A guide is necessary though.

The trail resembled something you'd see from Bukit Timah Hill, just that there were so many freaking steps. It's like your literally doing thousands of weighted lunges, good for the legs but your quads will start aching after a while. That's for sure. 

On top of that, my shoe's were SAF PT Shoes (cause I've got no money for proper hiking shoes ): ), so every time I stepped on a rock at the wrong angle, I can feel it piercing into my feet. GOTTA SUCK IT UP!~

Me and my bro left our cousin behind at times, but at least the guide's with her.

As we got close to the base camp, there were steep ascents (and more rocky steps) which really made us quite shack. We were panting even at walking speeds.

At this point of time, we're within the clouds. Vision becomes blurry and hazy, however it still feels pretty bad ass though to plow through the fog like a boss.

Eventually we got to Pendant Hut, our base camp for the night.

Pendant Hut

The place was cold, but still cozy as we bunked in with several other climbers in a dorm-like sorta place.


Dinner was a nice-buffet spread at the adjacent Laban Rata building. It was really nice to finally get to replenish all those carbs that we've burnt.

Took in a few astonishing views as well!

Standing above clouds!

Retired into a cold night to get some sleep before making the climb to the peak.

Base Camp to Summit

Armed in 3-layer's worth of clothing and a torchlight, we left the base camp at around 1am the following day. This part of the climb was the toughest part yet.

It was pitch-black all around. If it were not for torch lights, you probably couldn't even see the person in front of you. The air is also getting thinner due to being in higher altitudes. 

That's not all, the way up was STEEP as FUCK. After a seemingly endless flight of stairs, you had to hold ropes and pull yourself up incline portions of the mountains or risk rolling down and dying. It pretty much became a dangerous trek.

Me and my bro took more frequent breaks as well. Every time we did so, I'd look up in the sky and see hundreds of stars and even the milky way! Our spirits were lifted instantly!

The final portion of the climb was the toughest of all imo. There were no longer safety ropes for you to grab onto, the rocks were also more 'raw' in the sense of it no longer being a 'path'. It's just stacks of rocks piled up together and you start climbing on all fours in darkness.

Thinking back, it's scary, cause if you slipped, your gonna roll down on a lot of mis-aligned rocks which is definitely not gonna be nice. (I even had a few close calls!)


Low's Peak (Mt Kinabalu Summit)

Reached at 445am, and my did it feel good! It was FUCKING cold though. Even under all the stacks of clothing I had, my body was literally shivering non-stop. 

Had to sit around till 6am to catch the sunrise, which was regrettably blocked by clouds, but no matter, the effect's still nice. :)


Can't really stay at the summit (where the sign is) for too long as there's a queue of people trying to flock into that small space to get photos/touch the sign.

Low's Peak

As per what I have indicated in the picture, that is the highest point of the mountain that trekkers can get to.

Hanged around the base of the summit area and spammed loads of photos.

Random peak adjacent to us

Bagus ah!

Apparently, I've searched online and many people have taken countless photos of this peak. Guess I now know why, it's stunning!

I like the effect of how the sunlight has shaded this rock in pure golden light-rays of goodness!

The tour guide told us that there was this rock with a face like King-Kong, how can we possibly miss it?

Mountain-water reflection w/ 'King Kong'

Shadows w/ 'King Kong'

Just Chillin' :D

Had to hurry back to the previous checkpoint to prepare for our 'via Ferreta' route down the mountain.

'via Ferreta' is also known as 'Iron Road' in Italian. Basically it is a series of rungs, rails and cables embracing the rock face which a climber has to use to move around the mountain.

There are more than 300 via Ferrata routes available around the world and Mount Kinabalu hosts the highest one. Basically we had to manoeuvre down 400m of steep inclined rocks from 3800m to 3400m and cross crevices with just ropes.

Credits to our lovely trainer for taking the photographs. =D

After the Ferreta, we headed to and checked out from Pendant Hut.

Had to hike all the way back down to Timpohon Gate. (Yes, the exact same way we came up from)

Going down actually takes less effort, but it can be quite dangerous at times. I slipped quite a lot (didn't have proper hiking shoes), but nothing serious happened. My toe-nails felt like they were broken from all the landings onto the rocks. It also felt like there were blisters at the ball of my feet and that the skin had torn off under my sock.

After a whole lot of trekking downwards, with the encouragement given to us from passer-bys which I thought was really damn nice, we finally made it back to Timpohon Gate where it all started.


FINISHED! Look at all our SHACK faces.

The feeling of accomplishment you get from such a feat can never be bought with money. There's so much satisfaction you get from it, it fills you up with happiness. :D

Back at our hotel, we feasted like kings at several of the nearby stalls, which had really good and cheap food!

Got our well-deserved rest after.

Cert - Achievement Unlocked! :P

My advise to all potential climbers is that if you can afford it, please try to get proper hiking equipment (which I did not lol). It will really make your life so much easier. A proper hiking backpack with the waist attachments, torchlights that can be strapped to your head, hiking shoes and even a walking stick.

If you're out of shape, please train up, especially your cardio and leg strength. You will thank yourself for doing so.

Last of all, enjoy every moment of it and never ever give up!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

iLight @ Marina Bay

Kinda went for this 2 days back. Didn't know something like that existed until family members told me about it. I'm really bored at home these days so off I went.

iLight Marina is basically a light show display showing various innovative creations to showcase light, with the theme of promoting environmentally friendly behaviors.

The place was a lot more crowded than I thought it would be. Looks like Sg ppl really like to swarm to these free shows. Bet if it costs $5, the crowd would be halved.

The displays were also placed quite widely apart, so we actually had a lot of walking to do (about 3hours).

Anyway, here's the first one we saw:

Digital Wattle

It was pretty cool, it kinda looked like those Jap trees. The lights were also changing colours. Apparently, when you read the explanation, it sounded damn smoke-y. It was something about how the various colours represented the various ethnic races in Sg. Lol, srsly?

1.26 Singapore

Yup, that's what this one is called. Apparently the designer got her idea from the 2010 earthquake in Chile which shortened the earth's day by 1.26 microseconds. This model was actually created in her studio where she generated a three-dimensional model of the tsunami (outline of the highest amplitude area) that resulted from Chile's earthquake.

That's just fyi, for me Idrc, look pretty can already.


This one's called 'Cloud' cause it looks like one. There are loads of metal cord dangling down and when you pull one of em, it lights up 1 of the bulbs inside. You have no idea how many people are raping the shit out of this thing just for kicks lol.

The Wheels of Industry

A car that lights up when you cycle on the bicycle-like thing. So many 'hamsters' that day.

Giant Dandelion

These dandelion's are made out of plastic bottles stuck together, which I thought was amazingly done! Kudos!

3D Tic-Tac-Toe

Was pretty fun actually, hope to get to play more of something like that somewhere if there's a chance to.

Light Rain

The use of light to simulate rain-drops.


Got a pic of this before crossing the helix bridge to check out the stuff on the other side of the place.

Here are some I took from the bridge:


Group Photo

A pretty lighted up uncle!

When we're off the bridge, we saw a nice musical fountain display from a street-ish up-market kind of area which was $$$ (Ex) if you wanted to buy anything.

A Land of Reverie

Found this one hiding under some bridge, not gonna go into the story because it sounds like a damn big smoke bomb. This was painted using fluorescent paint and exhibited by shining U.V. light on it.

Group Photo @ Beat

The idea is: 'Translucent shapes display, which slowly throb with a relaxed light pulse to draw attention.'

 Wishing Tree

The things dangling all over it are papers(with wishes written on them) that are thrown up onto it, much like how it's done in countries such as Japan, Korea and China.


There are sensors all around this thing, which makes this light show interactive with the people standing around it. It's meant to resemble the Northern Lights as well (WHICH I REALLY WANT TO SEE SOMEDAY).

Happy Croco

Yeah its an urban crocodile.

Went home after this one, people were tired and their legs were aching. Missed out on quite a few of the displays which was a pity. Still it was worth the visit!