Tuesday, April 1, 2014

iLight @ Marina Bay

Kinda went for this 2 days back. Didn't know something like that existed until family members told me about it. I'm really bored at home these days so off I went.

iLight Marina is basically a light show display showing various innovative creations to showcase light, with the theme of promoting environmentally friendly behaviors.

The place was a lot more crowded than I thought it would be. Looks like Sg ppl really like to swarm to these free shows. Bet if it costs $5, the crowd would be halved.

The displays were also placed quite widely apart, so we actually had a lot of walking to do (about 3hours).

Anyway, here's the first one we saw:

Digital Wattle

It was pretty cool, it kinda looked like those Jap trees. The lights were also changing colours. Apparently, when you read the explanation, it sounded damn smoke-y. It was something about how the various colours represented the various ethnic races in Sg. Lol, srsly?

1.26 Singapore

Yup, that's what this one is called. Apparently the designer got her idea from the 2010 earthquake in Chile which shortened the earth's day by 1.26 microseconds. This model was actually created in her studio where she generated a three-dimensional model of the tsunami (outline of the highest amplitude area) that resulted from Chile's earthquake.

That's just fyi, for me Idrc, look pretty can already.


This one's called 'Cloud' cause it looks like one. There are loads of metal cord dangling down and when you pull one of em, it lights up 1 of the bulbs inside. You have no idea how many people are raping the shit out of this thing just for kicks lol.

The Wheels of Industry

A car that lights up when you cycle on the bicycle-like thing. So many 'hamsters' that day.

Giant Dandelion

These dandelion's are made out of plastic bottles stuck together, which I thought was amazingly done! Kudos!

3D Tic-Tac-Toe

Was pretty fun actually, hope to get to play more of something like that somewhere if there's a chance to.

Light Rain

The use of light to simulate rain-drops.


Got a pic of this before crossing the helix bridge to check out the stuff on the other side of the place.

Here are some I took from the bridge:


Group Photo

A pretty lighted up uncle!

When we're off the bridge, we saw a nice musical fountain display from a street-ish up-market kind of area which was $$$ (Ex) if you wanted to buy anything.

A Land of Reverie

Found this one hiding under some bridge, not gonna go into the story because it sounds like a damn big smoke bomb. This was painted using fluorescent paint and exhibited by shining U.V. light on it.

Group Photo @ Beat

The idea is: 'Translucent shapes display, which slowly throb with a relaxed light pulse to draw attention.'

 Wishing Tree

The things dangling all over it are papers(with wishes written on them) that are thrown up onto it, much like how it's done in countries such as Japan, Korea and China.


There are sensors all around this thing, which makes this light show interactive with the people standing around it. It's meant to resemble the Northern Lights as well (WHICH I REALLY WANT TO SEE SOMEDAY).

Happy Croco

Yeah its an urban crocodile.

Went home after this one, people were tired and their legs were aching. Missed out on quite a few of the displays which was a pity. Still it was worth the visit!

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