Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wildstar Beta Weekend

Just got an invitation to the Wildstar beta weekend event. This came as a surprise cause I kinda gave up hopes that I'll even get an invite, but I did!

Invitation came on Wednesday (23/4/14), now to see how the game is really like... 

The graphics were appealing for me and the way Carbine Studios presented the game was comical and humorous which was good. This made the game unique and unlike other MMOs who all try their hardest to make their games look epic from graphical arts and special effects.

Character Creation:

I made a Chua cause they are just so damn frickin' cute. I must say that the customisation options are really well done and there are styles that appeal to all kinds of tastes.

Starting Area

When I first got into the game, I was kinda taken aback by the default UI. The health and target bars are at the middle of the screen, which is useful of course, but not something that I'm really used to yet. Game play was smooth.

Wildstar felt very much like a WoW game thus far with a questing based leveling system, but I've heard that it's very different. I most probably have not played enough. ~_~


The combat system is very dynamic. Probably one of the things which differentiates the game from other MMOs. 

You can dodge, kite and even your attacks have cones which shows you exactly where it's gonna land. Actions MMOs that I know of usually don't have this feature, it's like they implemented skillshot mechanics from LoL and incorporated it into this game to add a higher element of skill to it. 

Not to mention, the whole leveling process will definitely feel less-grindy.

That's all I got so far, if I get the time to play more during the weekend, I'll see what new gameplay and content I can unravel. Cya! :)

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