Sunday, September 22, 2013


Hi all, as you can guess from the title, I would like to talk about GTA V.

Grand Theft Auto V

Firstly, I would like to mention that I do not own a PS3 or XBOX360. However, this game has seriously caught my attention and from the trailers, reviews and abundance of videos surfacing around YouTube, my interest has been sparked!

Firstly, the game involves the usual Grand Theft Auto stuff such as living a life of crime involving drugs, weapons, violence and sex (lolol), which is signature to the GTA series. However, there is a twist whereby you no longer control a single protagonist, unlike all the other GTA games. You are able to switch player perspectives between 3 different people to perform cooperative tasks or just for the fuck of it when you are not doing a mission.

Before that, Rockstar has nailed the personal backgrounds of the main characters in the game,  a crazy mutha fuka, a hoodie homie and a 'businessman'. All of which are at the opposite ends of each other in the spectrum. This certainly does add flavor!

Next, I would like to talk about the context of GTA V, or probably even GTA as a whole. The whole concept of encouraging kids/people to engage in various 'problem solving' situations generally turns most of them off. However, if you add the twist of them being able to do that to commit actions that no one would ever dream of doing in real life, but want to :P (come on, don't lie. You don't wanna get rich easy by robbing a bank? Or ***k cheap mother fucking slut ass p**sti**es like nothing? -Wow that was harsh) catches most of their attention (and mine ~_~) is one of the major appeals of this game. Admittedly, the critical thinking and reflex response are incognitive to the consumers/players. However, they are present in GTA V. Unlike the previous GTA games which mostly involve killing your foes faster and you win. The player perspective switching of GTA V is the charm of the game in the aspect that I have touched on before.

You gotta watch the video below to kind of understand what I am talking about. It shows someone playing the mission titled 'The Big One' in the game.

'The Big One' Heist! :

From a simple heist(its just a game) as shown, it seriously shows the importance of every single player in the game and the way the game makes you utilise every single one of them is really so god damn methodical and beautiful.

Not to mention, the nitty witty details of decision making at certain points which is displayed by this dude playing the game (hes kinda pro to me). Such instances include knowing of priority targets to take out, or holding the car in covered spots, waiting for cops to gather before choosing to bail. Admit it, you guys would just keep driving non-stop in futile attempts to escape, or going full RAMBO and dying/running out of explosives. There was also an instance where he was driving towards 2 cops and I thought he handled it perfectly by placing sticky bombs on them and driving away instead of just doing the latter which is what most of us would do. This ensures that those cops would not be on his tail. See, good problem solving skills in situations which arise suddenly and need to be solved under time constraints! Haha.

All that I have just covered is just one of the main aspects of the game which has appealed to me, however there are tons of other things to do/explore in GTA V which can be discovered from the trailer they released a few months back here :

GTA V Trailer :

Clearly, you are amazed aren't you. Don't lie hahahahahah.

Damn, wish  I had a PS3/XBOX360. Heard that the PC version only releases next year. FUCK.

Oh yea, and for people that say that this game is sinful. Well, don't judge but er, *beeeeeeeep*. How's that for some negative influence from video games ahahahahaha! Wait, the message was censored? I meant F...... ..uo....... *cuts off*

P.S. Off topic, but I made the decision to try new things, and so I just blew another 60 bucks on protein powder and a shaker. I hope that works out well as its my first time using stuff like that.

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