Friday, June 28, 2013

Prawning at Hai Bin

Went for 'prawning' or prawn-fishing yesterday over at Hai Bin (Punggol). Did the initial pleasantries and had some food and slight refreshments with the group before beginning to embark on the prawning itself.

Initially, the process seemed foreign to me as I have not done anything remotely close to fishing before. Hence, when I was handed the rod, bait and net (which I shared with a feel people), I was feeling pretty bucked out and yet excited at the same time.

So there I was, sitting with my friends, placing the bait (fuckin chicken liver lol) on the hook before tossing it out into the 'prawn-fishing' area. There, I saw several people having their bites and railing em in! But I had nothing at all yet lol. The guy beside me kept fishing them non-stop, which made me feel sad, but meh.

Advised given to me was to put the bait on the rod in such a way that the hook was covered. Apparently this would trick the prawn into thinking that its not gonna get hooked out and barbequed afterwards. I was really skeptical about this, but then again I really don't know the intelligence of prawns lol so I just tried it and pray-ed for some kind of beginners luck.

Then finally, I had a fuckin bite! Yay! I could see the float thing or whatever its called sinking into the water. There I knew, I absolutely didn't want to lose it, so I gently tug the rod, trying to not scare it off. But at that moment, he attacked the food more and the rod started to tug like crazy! I was like fuck yea! It's hooked! So I wrenched it out of the water and caught it! :D That's just the first part though. When it was out, it was desperately struggling its fuckin ass off, it had these clippers that kept snapping the fuck out of the air and now the problem was that I needed to remove the hook from its mouth without killing it, partly cause its mean (lol) and that the food would still be fresh for the barbeque afterwards. However, there was the big problem of it raping my fingers... (which it did a lot later when I started to fish more) What the people around me would do is that they would place the poor prawn on the ground and use their legs to wrench its claws off before removing the hook, but it was so dam fuckin cruel and no matter how badass I was, I didn't want to do it lol. (Dam pussy =/) So I tried to use 1 hand to immobilize its claws by pressing on the joints(I guess) and carefully remove the hook even when its desperately curling at struggling at lightning fast speeds which shocked me a few times. Eventually, I managed to get it out and went ahead to fish some more! :D Oh yea, I'd also want to mention that at some parts of this prawn-fishing thing, where most of the dumb prawns were caught, there was a freaking commando bad-ass prawns that kept eating everyone's bait without getting pulled out. Fuckin' sick for a prawn lloololol.

Anyway, after fishing, the group of us went to barbeque all our catches (which was a hell lot), and ate them and damn do they taste good! Haha! Left after feeling satisfied, almost actually because the trip home was fucking painful (damn far).

Saturday, June 22, 2013

All Diamond!

So I've been playing LoL for awhile now and I've finally gotten all my normal games to diamond. This is not really showing any kind of skill, but rather the amount of time I have spent on the game. (is that a bad thing? =.-)

Oh yea my ranked rating is diamond too! 

Totally inspired to make a summary of my whole LoL 'career' someday, but I'm really too lazy these days to make lengthy blog posts just for the fuck of it.

Random :
Chicks dig diamonds? I can see why :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sg Haze

Well as you all know, there is a really bad haze in Sg currently. A step out of the house/office and you can immediately smell fumes. That is not all, any kind of nice scenic view of our everyday lives is blurred as well. In fact, I remember taking a quick glance at Strait's Times and it mentioned that our PSI has reached a max of 160, which was the highest reached ever in the past 16 years.

Jogging or any form of outdoor activity will be a hassle now as there will always be hesitation whether it is retarded or not to do so. This is because of how of our intention of working out and exercising outside to make us healthier is totally pwned by this haze which causes the air around us to hold many foreign particles. If I were to still engage in intense cardio activity outside, I will essentially be trying to breathe in a hell lot more of these shit which will kill me.

Anyway, just bought a weighted rope, so that cardio can still be done indoors. As for lifting, I could do body weight exercises still at home and I doubt that the gym would really be a problem, since its indoors (the main one being trying to actually get my lazy ass there).

Edit : Max PSI reached, 400+!

Food for thought :
So what did the Indonesian say to the Singaporean? Heyz!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

David Blaine's Street Magic

Very amusing when you try figuring them out. Got really inspired with magic from a gathering last night after seeing someone do it.

I have also personally learned his 2 card monte, just did it on my dad! Sick! Haha!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Panasonic Lumix X51

My father just came home and randomly gave me one of these, which really schocked me to be honest. The last thing I'd expect from my dad is to give me something like a camera which costs $$ for no reason. When I asked him what was up, he said he got it for free from the newspaper subscription so ah well, I'm happy :)

(Mine was black, but couldn't find a pic of one off google)

Not really too sure what I'm actually going to do with a digital camera since I almost never use one. Even if I do on a rare occasion, it would be through my iphone's camera. Perhaps to take some guitar vids in the future? We'll see :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Good dose to of... *heehee*


Most of these are LoL/anime/game inspired cosplays. Filtered out the good ones, amazes me how people can be so dedicated to stuff like that, the amount of work required is definitely a lot more that meets the eye. 

The budget, sourcing/training for a suitable physique to match the role they wish to cosplay. Media hardwares : cameras(exp), studio, location, etc. The list is really endless. Seriously, I could find out and talk more in depth about it, which I actually think that it will be a genuinely interesting topic! (You'll be surprised at how different these people actually look irl)

Then again, am I really posting this to commend and give a detailed description on the processes required to achieve such results? ---> NAHHHHHHHHH


DJ Sona

Female Ezreal



Lux Strippin ;D


Female Luffy


MF! (Miss Fortune)


Queen Ashe


Sivir (This one's hot)

Female Squall (Very hot too!)


P.S. Looks like I'll never get a real girlfriend... =(   LOL
        Eh...... I really become one of those fukin tiko peks already... uh oh

Sunday, June 2, 2013

So its all about some fuckin Window Blinds

Ok, my current room's roman blinds are totally out of order. Firstly, the velcros will no longer stick onto the fuckin installation panel. Secondly, the strings are all out making it impossible to actually pull it up or down. So what I have left of it is the whole fuckin blind clipped together by fucking clothes hanger clippers stuck in a position where my room has almost 0 ventilation.

Now I try to outsource for some sources on where to get new blinds. My brothers room all have them and they are all like 60 bucks each for half of his whole window? Yea, if only it were that simple. Because my windows are of a really crappy and fucked up length, theres no place in cheap heaven ikea for it. Apparently, mine needs to be custom made. Fair enough, I source for online options and I got a fucking quote of 4k to install some fucking blinds? Fuck you lah.

Then I tried shop at IMM which quoted around 1.5k, which is still around 12.5x the amount that my bros had theirs done. Holy shit wtf?

Looks like I'm gonna be stuck with these shitty ones. The most that can be done in the most economical fashion is to have the velcros replaced and the strings re-attached somehow, aka fixing my roman blinds instead of getting venetian ones which could potentially solve my air ventilation and room privacy problems.

Really? So much for just installing some stupid blinds that costs 60 bucks in ikea (The lengths in ikea were much longer as well)? Fuck. Gotta DIY alr or some shit already.

This totally reminds me of how people try to overrate their own skills and charge you a fucking marked up price for some menial work which may seem specialized, but may not be actually worth that amount at all. I remembered I was at a guitar shop getting my elixer strings and wanted to ask them to help me re-string at the same time because I was lazy to do it at home. This dumb fucker tries to charge me 60 bucks for that! WTF??!?!?!?! He goes on and on about how my guitar is floyd rose and that its fucking hard to re-string it and needs special 1337 skillz to get it done. Please lah fuck you man, I do it myself all the times, din realise that such a menial skill I thought I had could be worth 60 bucks 1 shot. So for all the times I restringed my guitar I could make a potential total of 60 bucks x (y) amount of times I did it lah. Seriously... Overrating yourselves to make it seem like ur special and that your work is worth lots of shit when it isnt. Fuck society.

Moral : Everything, buy the cheapest (raw materials usually), learn from the mighty internet and DIY as much as possible by yourself, unless its really impossible to do so then get help. If not, just make a fuckin compromise so that you got money to fuckin eat some takos and live. GG rant end. lol

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Abs; Human Physiology, Workout Chart thing

Also an attempt to take up space in the first page and to lengthen the post content so my background won't look fugly.

Anyway, its still a good read regardless. Whether it is true or not, meh.

Just Re-opened the Blog

Yea, I was quite skeptical about this whole blogging thing at first, but you know, its a good way to kill time I guess so theres that huh, we'll see how much much I'm actually able to keep this blog active. Glhf.