Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sg Haze

Well as you all know, there is a really bad haze in Sg currently. A step out of the house/office and you can immediately smell fumes. That is not all, any kind of nice scenic view of our everyday lives is blurred as well. In fact, I remember taking a quick glance at Strait's Times and it mentioned that our PSI has reached a max of 160, which was the highest reached ever in the past 16 years.

Jogging or any form of outdoor activity will be a hassle now as there will always be hesitation whether it is retarded or not to do so. This is because of how of our intention of working out and exercising outside to make us healthier is totally pwned by this haze which causes the air around us to hold many foreign particles. If I were to still engage in intense cardio activity outside, I will essentially be trying to breathe in a hell lot more of these shit which will kill me.

Anyway, just bought a weighted rope, so that cardio can still be done indoors. As for lifting, I could do body weight exercises still at home and I doubt that the gym would really be a problem, since its indoors (the main one being trying to actually get my lazy ass there).

Edit : Max PSI reached, 400+!

Food for thought :
So what did the Indonesian say to the Singaporean? Heyz!

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