Friday, June 28, 2013

Prawning at Hai Bin

Went for 'prawning' or prawn-fishing yesterday over at Hai Bin (Punggol). Did the initial pleasantries and had some food and slight refreshments with the group before beginning to embark on the prawning itself.

Initially, the process seemed foreign to me as I have not done anything remotely close to fishing before. Hence, when I was handed the rod, bait and net (which I shared with a feel people), I was feeling pretty bucked out and yet excited at the same time.

So there I was, sitting with my friends, placing the bait (fuckin chicken liver lol) on the hook before tossing it out into the 'prawn-fishing' area. There, I saw several people having their bites and railing em in! But I had nothing at all yet lol. The guy beside me kept fishing them non-stop, which made me feel sad, but meh.

Advised given to me was to put the bait on the rod in such a way that the hook was covered. Apparently this would trick the prawn into thinking that its not gonna get hooked out and barbequed afterwards. I was really skeptical about this, but then again I really don't know the intelligence of prawns lol so I just tried it and pray-ed for some kind of beginners luck.

Then finally, I had a fuckin bite! Yay! I could see the float thing or whatever its called sinking into the water. There I knew, I absolutely didn't want to lose it, so I gently tug the rod, trying to not scare it off. But at that moment, he attacked the food more and the rod started to tug like crazy! I was like fuck yea! It's hooked! So I wrenched it out of the water and caught it! :D That's just the first part though. When it was out, it was desperately struggling its fuckin ass off, it had these clippers that kept snapping the fuck out of the air and now the problem was that I needed to remove the hook from its mouth without killing it, partly cause its mean (lol) and that the food would still be fresh for the barbeque afterwards. However, there was the big problem of it raping my fingers... (which it did a lot later when I started to fish more) What the people around me would do is that they would place the poor prawn on the ground and use their legs to wrench its claws off before removing the hook, but it was so dam fuckin cruel and no matter how badass I was, I didn't want to do it lol. (Dam pussy =/) So I tried to use 1 hand to immobilize its claws by pressing on the joints(I guess) and carefully remove the hook even when its desperately curling at struggling at lightning fast speeds which shocked me a few times. Eventually, I managed to get it out and went ahead to fish some more! :D Oh yea, I'd also want to mention that at some parts of this prawn-fishing thing, where most of the dumb prawns were caught, there was a freaking commando bad-ass prawns that kept eating everyone's bait without getting pulled out. Fuckin' sick for a prawn lloololol.

Anyway, after fishing, the group of us went to barbeque all our catches (which was a hell lot), and ate them and damn do they taste good! Haha! Left after feeling satisfied, almost actually because the trip home was fucking painful (damn far).

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